
a whole hand

of months that is. captain turned 5 months on the 4th of july, which also means that ella is officially two months away from turning 4 years old. i know i say this every month, but i seriously cannot fathom how fast time flies by. 
captain is:
....eating his big toe like a maniac
....eating big people food, spinach and apples
....trying to roll from his back to his stomach constantly, dang that stupid arm
....grabbing everything in site, from hair, to the birds on his toy mobile
....on a schedule, he eats at 6:30am, 10, 1, 4:30ish, and 8pm-ish
....growing like a weed, he wears 6-12 month tops, but 3-6 month shorts, he's a skinny one
....laughing and talking, to himself mostly, but he's so loud everyone can hear
....constantly getting covered in kisses or being poked, can you tell who does what between ella and i?
ella is:
....reading books to herself constantly, that reading isn't literal, although she does have several books memorized...that girl and her memory
....cracking us up with the words that fly out of her mouth, 'you want a knuckle sandwich fly?!'
....begging me to read her books, that is, if she isn't reading them to herself
....running around the house in her birthday suit or a princess dress, she varies
....overcoming her fear of fireworks, darn those illegal ones!
....reminding me that i need to buy her stompeez and the pirate ship playground
....very left-handed while writing, but ambidextrous with everything else
....working on following directions, i am starting to notice a change in her terrible three attitude...is there really light at the end of that tunnel?
....loving to play in the sprinkler, in the pool, anything with water
....constantly sticking her tongue out, it's the newest coolest thing to her...see evidence in last picture

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