speaking of, did you know that the modesto library has each and every anne of green gables dvd? i notice them every time we go for wiggleworms and think of us. almost on the same level of one tree, but old school. we should have a agg marathon, yes i made an acronym cause that's how i roll, next time you meander on home. now back on topic. kelli and i took our little princess' to your old alma mater today, woot woot stan state. i am sure the ducks hated me as soon as i unleashed hella on them. she chased. chased. and chased some more. got entirely too close to the water for my comfort. played follow the leader with emma, allowing her to be the leader. splashed in the same puddle a good 5 or 6 times. saw a momma and her ducklings. and had a grand ol time with emma until she crashed on the way home. not literally, but you get the drift.

this cute hand holding op may or may not have come after ella drug emma off a step causing her to tumble head over heels. luckily emma is a trooper and no tears were shed during the course of this unfortunate incident. ella then insisted on holding her hand, but wasn't getting the drift that emma doesn't walk as fast as she does and without proper supervision, would've continued trying to drag poor emma along. a true friend right?

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