
recently / january.

+ i told ella she needed to pick up the manger scene since it was scattered all about the floor. i walked back in and that is how she had set it back up. maybe she needs a little more explaining when it comes to actually who and what was at present at the birth of jesus christ OR the bible just forgot to add a giant little pony. oxy-moron? definitely.
+ with time off, i now get to be the mother i have wanted to be. well in terms of wiggleworms. it would seriously break my heart when we'd drive by the library and she would ask if she could go. since it is only on mondays and tuesdays, with work it's a no-go...but now i have nothin' but time. well until captain that is. i fully intend to take both once he graces us with his presence...intend being the key word.
+ twinning! not in that sense. but the twins turned one on the 10th...the park for their party turned out to be an awesome idea. it was a miraculously, glorious, cloudless day. warmer than ella's september birthday party i think. ok back to the point, ella loved the park as she always does. loved going down the slide and emerging with static hair. loved saying 'hey everyone look at me!' and doing her signature move. and loved with a capital L eating her chocolate cupcake. i mean, that is why she went to the party anyway...the cupcake.

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