a half birthday and a one monther.
today ella is exactly 3 and a half and mr. captain is 1 month old...two pretty important dates in my book. so the only obvious thing to do is celebrate right?! well, my idea of celebrate is quite different these days apparently, compared to my good ol partyin'-it-up days. nothing like a photo shoot in the morning, a little park, and possibly some cupcake making. i said possibly because at this exact time ella is in trouble for not listening. something new right?!
this morning started wtih me telling ella happy half birthday as she insisted on watching toons on mommy's bed. she replied, 'yea it's my birthday. are friends coming over today?' i had to re-explain what a half birthday is and we practiced saying 3 and a half...but of course when a guy at the park asked her how old she is...she said very confidently, 'two.' really ella? haha
3 and a half just seems old. i was looking at her today as we walked to the park and she's no longer even a toddler it seems. she's just old! her long skinny legs, continual talking and fantasy stories seem to propel her to another level entirely. her favorite princess is cinderella. she loves to color, build with blocks, and put pretties on. she would live in her princess dresses every minute of every day if i would let her. her favorite shows are angelina ballerina, olivia, and mickey mouse club. she loves books. she loves jumping on the couch (which she's not allowed to do, but will try to sneak whenever possible), and her favorite color varies depending on which day it is. she loves animals, especially dogs obviously, swinging, going fast, and is fearless.
now with captain, this past month has literally flown by. i can't even believe captain is 1 month already. captain loves to try and hold his head up...even though he's kinda a bobble-head. he loves to eat. loves to sleep at certain times of the day. still cannot stand the bath...holllly geez. his blue eyes are still blue, he won't be able to wear 0-3 month clothing for very much longer, and if you compare him to ella as a baby, he's a bagillion times easier.
oh how i love both my babies. the following pictures will reiterate why.
there was a discussion between ella and this random worm, it went something like this....
ella: 'hi worm, where's your family'
'where do you live worm?'
'where's your face? i can't see it.'
'bye worm, have a good day.'
the worm was apparently a little shy, hence the no responses on his or her part. today has been absolutely gorgeous. hopefully someones attitude will make an adjustment and we'll be stuffin' our faces with some funfetti cupcakes later on today. that'd make this closet fat girl beyond happy!
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