i am in a funk. i just feel so blah. so boring. so un-unique if that's even a word. maybe it's because i just had a baby and my roots are so ridiculous. or maybe it's because i put zero effort into what i wear because i know it will have puke on it at some point. i feel like i need to dye my hair. or go on a shopping spree with someone else's money. that would put a smile on my face. having kids really takes the me out of me sometimes. i wouldn't change a thing and i don't regret having them, but sometimes i would really just like to sit and craft without interruption. or do something spontaneous like a morning nap. ohhhh one can dream can't they. ok my pity party is done...i need to be thankful for these times because i know they won't be little for forever...now i could cry as i think of them growing up. lovely lovely hormones.
here are some things that have made me turn that frown upside down lately.
#1 the quiver lip. it's remarkably cute even though he's remarkably unhappy when he is doing it. i can't help but laugh.
#2 ella reading 101 dalmatians. i love her renditions of books because she is 98% accurate and the other 2% is just hilarious random additions. she loves that the horse's name is the captain. and i love that she loves reading. she still carries around huge novels and claims they are 'her' books...whatever floats her boat.
i hope south carolina is as thrilling as good ol modesto and watch out...you don't wanna catch the funk. if funk ensues try getting a manicure or a shopping spree...preferably with someone else's money...and let me know how you feel after that. ♥
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